Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Haki Do Mount&blade What Do You Like More: Sharingan (naruto) Bankai (bleach) Haki (one Piece) Or Supersaiyan (dbz)?

What do you like more: sharingan (naruto) bankai (bleach) haki (one piece) or supersaiyan (dbz)? - haki do mount&blade

Haki is not a superpower. It is the ambition of a person was just big enough to put fear in someone wrong IMO Toei Animation "Haki" scenes. = Haki ambition, sometimes against their will

I always loved the Super Saiyan transformation, so I'll go with this.

Bankas Sharingan and be abused.

1 comment:

Sogeking... said...

Super Saiyan is cool, but is only an increase of force with little change in personality. Bankai transformation is much more interesting, because it changes and is different for each person. Haki is surprising, because that is what you do with almost unlimited. It almost seems like "strength" and not much else. However Sharingan takes the cake, because it can not just look cool, you expect the movements of the enemy, put them in an illusion of their greatest fears or burn in a sea of black flames. The others are cool, but it is simply impossible to compete with it.

However, when considering the raw power of the Super Saiyan surpasses almost all in the story.

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